About the Journal

Jurnal KomtekInfo is a national journal, which is dedicated to the publication of quality research results in the field of Systems Engineering and Information Technology but is implicitly unlimited and free of cost in the Submission Process. Jurnal KomtekInfo is a peer-reviewed and accessible open journalism managed by Universitas Putra Indonesia  YPTK Padang. Jurnal KomtekInfo includes articles raised from the results of research, concepts, theories, and analytical studies in the fields of computer science and information technology. Starting in 2016 Journal KomtekInfo Publish on March, June, September, and December in an online form with e-ISSN 2502-8758, after previously in the form of quarterly.  Jurnal KomtekInfo has been accredited with Number: 10/E/KPT/2019. 
Jurnal KomtekInfo publishes journals focusing on Software Engineering, Multimedia, Artificial intelligence, Data Mining, Knowledge Database System, Computer network, Information Systems, Robotic, Cloud Computing, Computer Technology